Introduction Last updated: January 04 2023 16:46.

The home of storjDashboard documentation.

For this project we use NGINX+PHP to provide only the required data into StorjDashboard meaning things like your NODE ID and WALLET ID is masked.

  • OS: Ubuntu 20.04+, Debian 10+, Windows 7+
  • Software: NGINX + PHP


This section provides you the manual install and auto install guide including the steps taken within the auto installer.

Ubuntu/Debian Automated Install Script

To make it easier we've made a script which you can run on a running storj node machine to provide data to StorjDashboard.

  • Step 1 : Login and make sure you are ROOT
    • sudo su
  • Step 2 : Update the package lists
    • apt-get update
  • Step 3 : Run the following
    • sudo mkdir -p /storjdashboard && cd /storjdashboard && curl -s -o && bash
If you have any issues during the installation please go to the troubleshooting section

What Does The Automated Script Do?

Our automated install script is designed for use on a clean ubuntu system with just docker and storj installed. The most common issue with using the automated script is if you don't run it in ROOT or you haven't updated the package lists.

Automated Install Steps

  1. Asks you for EXTERNAL HOSTNAME
    • Example: this would be if you have a static IP you could also use that
  2. Asks you for EXTERNAL PORT
    • Example: 28000 or a similar port you wish to open for your NGINX
      • make sure you open the port on the router and any firewalls including inside Ubuntu if you have UFW active or similar.
      • If you have a second node, you will need to choose a different port for example 28001 and again make sure its open on routers and firewalls.
  3. Asks you for INTERNAL IP:PORT to your storj dashboard
    • Example:
  4. Installing NGINX
    • sudo apt-get install nginx -y log file: /storjdashboard_logs/nginx/
  5. Installing PHP
    • sudo apt-get install php-fpm -y log file: /storjdashboard_logs/php/
  6. NGINX Web Directories & Server Files
    • Web Directory: /var/www/
    • Configuration File: /var/www/<HOSTNAME>/config.php
    • NGINX Server Config: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  7. Display of your URL to test the server

Ubuntu/Debian Manual Installation

These steps are generally for those who want to do each step, step by step. We have provided the steps below. We advise using the manual installation method to isolate any errors you might be having with your installation.

If the auto-install script hasn’t worked for you please run the uninstall script first.

The manual steps below may also work for those machines not listed within our tested environments as listed above in our requirements.

Our requirements for StorjDashboard are simply running a NGINX+PHP server within the same environment as the storj node.

If you have VM environments for running storj node you could if you wanted to set up a separate VM to run the NGINX+PHP web server.


Manual Install Steps

  1. Login and make sure you are ROOT
    • sudo su
  2. Update the package lists
    • apt-get update
  3. Installing NGINX
    • sudo apt-get install nginx -y
  4. Install PHP
    • sudo apt-get install php-fpm -y
      • If your system does not know php-fpm you will need to use the latest version which your system will install
        Example: sudo apt-get install php7.4-fpm
  5. Make a new folder for your web files and download the GIT files
    • sudo mkdir /var/www<*HOSTNAME*>
    • wget -O "/var/www/<*HOSTNAME*>/index.php"
    • wget -O "/var/www/<*HOSTNAME*>/daily.php"
    • wget -O "/var/www/<*HOSTNAME*>/pay.php"
    • wget -O "/var/www/<*HOSTNAME*>/audit.php"
  6. Make PHP configuration file
    • nano /var/www/<*HOSTNAME*>/config.php
      • Replace HOSTNAME and PORT with your actual storj node dashboard details (example:
      <?php $ip="<*HOSTNAME*>:<*PORT*>"; $auth = "<*CODE*>"; ?>
    • You will need to obtain the auth CODE from the portal when you have created your node.
  7. Make NGINX host configuration file
    • nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/<*HOSTNAME*>
      • Replace accordingly when pasting
        *Note - PORT = NGINX web port (typically using 28001)
      server {
      listen <*PORT*>;
      server_name <*HOSTNAME*>;
      root /var/www/<*HOSTNAME*>;
      index index.php;
      location ~ \.php$ {
      include snippets/fastcgi-php.conf;
      fastcgi_pass unix:/run/php/php-fpm.sock;
  8. sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/<*HOSTNAME*> /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
  9. Test NGINX configuration
    • sudo nginx -t
      Should return
      nginx: the configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok
      nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful

  10. Restart NGINX
    • sudo systemctl restart nginx
  11. Test your webserver

Windows Install

  • Requirement
    • Windows 7+
    • Visual C++ Redistributable for VS x64 [DOWNLOAD]
  • Step 1 : Download NGINX+PHP pre built package
  • Step 2 : Download GitHub Files
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 10
      • Within the extracted folder, run the Win10-download_files.cmd
  • Step 3 : Edit Config File
    • There is a config file that requires editing within C:\storjdashboard_server\nginx\html\ (config.php)
      • Replace the HOSTNAME and PORT with the internal access dashboard ip and port for example
        <?php $ip="HOSTNAME:PORT"; $auth = "CODE"; ?>
      • You will need to obtain the auth CODE from the portal when you have created your node.
  • (optional) Step 4 : Edit NGINX config
    • Located: C:\storjdashboard_server\nginx\conf\ (nginx.conf)
      • default port 28000

Multiple Nodes

We don't currently have config with multiple nodes on windows, however by editing the NGINX.CONF this is possible to create an additional server on example: port 28001 and have another directory by copy and pasting all files from the original html directory to example: html2 directory.

If you have any issues during the installation please go to the troubleshooting section

Windows App Install

  • Requirement
    • Windows 7+ x64
    • .NET 6.0 Runtime x64 [DOWNLOAD]
  • Step 1 : Download App
  • Once installed open the app and select Config then Manage Servers select yes to make a new server.
  • Choose a port and directory name you would like to give this server.
  • When prompted to create directory and downlload files select Yes
  • Click PHP Config
  • Enter the local machine IP Address ( - if same server)
    Enter the port the storj dashboard is on (14002 usually)
    Enter the AUTH Code from the StorjDashboard Portal
  • Click apply changes.
  • Click Start

This app is a first release and may have some bugs found. Please report those bugs either via the StorjDashboard.

Updating NGINX Files

Updating the NGINX files is as simple as updating from the GitHub page.

  • Ubuntu Updater
    • Run this as ROOT to enable access to all files - If you have changed any folder access for normal user access you don't need to run this as root.
      sudo mkdir -p /storjdashboard && cd /storjdashboard && curl -s -o && bash
  • Windows 10 Updater
    • Running the CMD Win10-download_files.cmd will update all files - *you may need to check for any changes to config.php
  • Windows 7 Updater
    • This is a manual task of downloading the individual files.
      Right Click Save-As - To the folder within C:\
      File 1 | File 2 | File 3 | File 4
  • Windows App Updating
    • The windows app refreshes the GitHub pages every 1 hour to make sure users have the latest version of the files.
    • The app will not update it self currently but as we progress to work on the web based dashboard portal we will come back to the windows app later in time or to repair any bugs we have seen. However the app is tested in Windows 10 and Windows 7.

Firewall Rules

Unblocking certain ports is required for StorjDashboard to work correctly.

You are only required to unblock the NGINX port (28000... or the port you choose during setup)

Portal Setup

Coming Soon...

Create Node

select overview

click New above the node list

and NGINX Port (the port of the web server - not 14002, 28967...)

Notifications - (this is optional)

Follow step 2 in the Edit Node section to create a NGINX Auth Token for your config.php file.

Don't forget to Enable your node Click 'Enable'

Note*: If the node doesn't go to ACTIVE status - This is likely because your NGINX is not visible to our servers/public.

Raise a support ticket if you need further specific support for setting up.

Edit Node

Select Edit next to the created node

Create an NGINX auth token by clicking Change Auth Token
If you already have one you can use this button to change it - *Note: You will need to update config.php

COPY your auth token and add it to your config.php file. (replace the <*CODE*> section)

<?php $ip="<*HOSTNAME*>:<*PORT*>"; $auth = "<*CODE*>"; ?> 

From this screen you can also edit the Node Nickname and Hostname details

Notifications are also managed from this screen for each individual node

Delete Node / Remove Node

Select Edit next to the created node


You will see this at the bottom of the page. Press DELETE NODE if you are happy to remove all data associated with this node.


Occasionally you might come across issues with your installation, if you are not running a clean Ubuntu system with just docker & storj installed then it is likely that you might come across some issues with the automation scripts.

You may need to follow the manual install steps

Coming Soon

Coming Soon


Text..... Text....

Coming Soon (FAQ Category One)







